Pre-Holiday Pet Portrait MARATHON

We still have time to do this, so we’re going for it! Berger Picard “Daddy”Work in progressAcrylic on panel 8″ x 10″© Xan Blackburn 2012 MONDAY, Nov. 26 – Mon., Dec 17 Just in time for holiday gifting, I’m taking three weeks after Thanksgiving to do a portrait marathon! As always, it will be first-come, first-served, …

Fall Portrait Marathon: the simpler version

I’m getting some feedback that my first post about the marathon was maybe a bit confusing.  Let’s see if I can be a little more clear. What: I will do ten 5″x 5″ portraits, acrylic on canvas, of ANY species for $80 +shipping Why: As a benefit for Creatures Comfort, a feral cat rescue program, which will receive $20 …

They’re HERE! Limited Edition Holiday Cards

“Play Bough”Limited Edition holiday card for 2011©Xan Blackburn, 2011 With thanks to Rebecca Forrest for the concept, I had a lot of fun painting this image.  The fawn greyhound reminds me of my own Brilly, who was a handy model.   This really is a limited edition!  I had a small number printed, and when they’re …

Hand-made blank books

Whew!  Well, it took some jiggering and figgering, but I worked out how to make my cards into truly neat little perfect-bound blank books! I wanted to expand what I could do with my eco-friendly greeting cards, and expand my line at Stroke of Green.  I brain-stormed for months, and finally hit on these little …

Whoo hoo!! New Cards Arrived!

Oh boyohboyohboy!!  UPS just dropped off three boxes of my new cards! I’m so excited about these!  They’re non-holiday-specific, one step greener than my Christmas cards were, and a different style. The “You make my heart RACE!” card would be perfect for Valentine’s Day (6 days off – still time to order!), or just any …

Stroke of Green’s First SALE

Ten cards and envelopes usually sell for $20. These  New Year, 2011   cards are now on sale!  20% off:  $16.00 for 10 cards! Stroke of Green is my greeting card company, for those of you just joining us.  I launched my new line this fall with several holiday-themed designs, had them printed with soy inks, added …

December Fundraiser

December’s Fundraiser is to benefit the Gentle Barn. The work they do is heroic, helping both animals and people to heal from abuse and life’s worst challenges.  It’s hard work.  They need all the help they can get.  I’m too far away to go muck stalls and exercise horses, but together we can put a …

Portrait Marathon: Sign ups imminent. This is a test!

I’m testing to see if people can upload their pictures here as comments.  Let’s see …. Testing with Mylie, who “posed” for my Better Days show a few years ago. Want to see what Mylie’s portrait came out like? Mylie, NOT in a shelter! (The Better Day show was a series of portraits of dogs …

Bring me … a HOLE PUNCH!

Yeah, so, if you’re coming to Dewey, first of all, make sure you come see me/us.  Second of all, come on Monday and bring a hole punch.  Tuesday at the latest!  😀 Oh, well.  I guess I should probably plan on finding one between here and there for my self, huh?  Fine.  I have to …

Santa card, as requested!

Santa Scritchies! Some people *ahem* have been requesting (in the strongest possible terms!  😉 ) a Santa card.  I’ve done one every year, so I accepted the inevitable, and launched off from a great idea by Sandy Szarzi (thanks, Sandy!) for this year’s offering. It’s up on the website, available to order, but it’s just …