
Commission Request

I keep my active commission list to three names at a time. That works out to one active commission; one client who is collecting reference material and has paid a deposit; and one who is getting ready to move into the next slot. Once you have filled out the commission request form below, you are eligible to be chosen by random for the third position. That way, no matter when you join the list, you have an equal chance at getting into the next open slot.

While you’re waiting, collect your thoughts about what you’d like in your artwork, and also collect photographs for me to use as reference.  Full-sized, clear, well-lit photos that show the subject/s from different angles are always best.  While we’re not always lucky enough to have great photos, I will do the best I can with the references you give me.

Your portrait is both labor-intensive, and a labor of love. I will be spending days getting to know your loved one/s during the creation of the artwork.  I will use all my compassion, skills and creativity to bring their personality and life to this portrait.

Additional subjects can be added, human or pet!  Each additional pet is discounted 30% of the one-subject price.  For example, if the size you choose …….Additional humans are priced at 90% of the single-subject level.

Collector’s Discount

If you would like multiple portraits, you will be given a 10% discount after your first.  If you order more than one portrait at a time, you will be given a 10% discount on the entire order.

If you have any questions about any of this, just ask!

These prices are a guideline for single subjects on a fairly simple background on some common size canvases.  Complex backgrounds, clothing, other objects or multiple subjects, may affect the price.
Inches YInches XPrice

Commission Request

Commission Request

First name

Last name





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