I’m pleased with this stage, though I had hoped to be a bit further along by quitting time tonight. Well, life, in all it’s variability, will make hash of the best of plans, eh?
Here’s a quick run-through of how we got here.
As usual, I took it into Photoshop, and experimented with the background, composition, lighting, etc., until I was content.
Once I got my pallet cleaned up (so cathartic!) after Sadie’s portrait …

I began. First, I transferred the drawing I had refined in photoshop by re-drawing on the back of the printed paper with conte crayons (dry pastels). I chose to use different colors for this, as this method does leave definite traces in the painting, and I wanted to enhance the painting, not create something I’d have to fight with later. Cool gray for the muzzle areas, and a hot yellow-orange for the rest. Taped it to the panel, and drew over it again to transfer the drawing to the panel. I set the drawing using a brush wet with a bit of dilute acrylic polymer, letting the color of the pastels act like paint as it spread into the acrylic.
I was on the fence about how to go forward: bold, like in Sadie’s portrait, or more cautiously, in glazes, as I generally do? Like Luki, I decided on the more cautious approach to suit her personality. What with one thing and another, this is as far as I got today, and I’m pretty pleased with the feel.
Tomorrow: more Luki! I have a feeling these are going to average 2 days/painting. Let’s see if I’m right!
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