FPM #8: Emmet is done. Probably…

Fall Portrait Marathon, Emmet! EmmetAcrylic on canvas, 5″ x 5″©Xan Blackburn 2012 Well, I almost never totally leave a painting alone even after I’ve told you it’s done, but we’re at that stage with Emmet now.  I’ve grown very fond of his little wrinkled brow and arrow-shaped face, but we’ll be saying farewell soon.…Case in …

FPM #8: Emmet stage 3

Emmet – work in progressAcrylic on canvas, 5″ x 5″©Xan Blackburn 2012  Fall Portrait Marathon, Emmet!Emmet is really coming along nicely.   He got another wash of diluted red, which doesn’t look so weird now, but seemed very sun-burn-ish when I first looked at it.  Lots of layering of shading and color has gone on.  See …

FPM #8: Emmet gets some color

 Fall Portrait Marathon, Emmet! Emmet – work in progressAcrylic on canvas, 5″ x 5″©Xan Blackburn 2012 Little Emmet still seems to be scowling, but that will be resolved right at the end.  In looking at the painting this morning, it was clear to me that the underpainting was really not done.  The darks were nowhere near …

FPM #8: Emmet the nekkid Cornish Rex

Emmet sharing the love  Fall Portrait Marathon, Emmet! My dear friend Merann is a woman who looo-oooves her pets!  She has 3 greyhounds as well as a bunch (how many is it now?) of cats.  Her Cornish Rex, Emmet, is a special guy.  He had his claws removed in a previous home, and suffered great …