What’s up?

Still cooking my current show idea, but it’s getting more and more interesting in my head!  I[…]

Nothing to see here, folks! Move along…

In studio news, I’m still feathering my nest while gestating this new work.   My studio was[…]

Well, how about that!

Yesterday I mentioned that my art supplies arrived damaged, and I was dreading dealing with claims and[…]

On the other hand …

The Gessobord I’ve been waiting for arrived today.  *sigh*  Damaged.  All four pieces.  That stuff isn’t cheap,[…]

Head-on Collision

Owey. Today is such a pretty day!  H was out on the mower, sweetening the air with[…]

Behind the curtain: Risk

I’ve been reading and talking to some people about letting people peek behind the curtain at the[…]

Stuff in my head

I’ve spent the last several days in creative gestation (translation: I have nothing finished to show for[…]

A little more on Lucy

Oh yeah! I forgot. I was going to do a little progression on the development of the[…]

Wrapping up the marathon? Maybe?

I finished the portrait of RedFawnMom’s Lucy on Friday, and I think that might wrap up this[…]


Well, after losing a couple hours’ work when H overloaded the vacuum and my computer crashed on[…]