Nancy’s Harry, staring with full attention out over the waters.  This was his first time at Dewey, as a fairly recent adoption.  His world was still revealing new things to him at every moment, at every turn, on every walk.  I’m always amazed at how well greyhounds hold up at Dewey (Greyhounds Reach the Beach is a huge, week-long event where greyhounds and their people take over a couple of beach towns in Delaware), but even more when I’m told, “Oh, we just picked her up from the track on the way here!”  Holy moly!

I’m managing *about* one a day, in case you’re working out when your turn is coming up.  Here’s who’s still on the list:

  1. Leslie’s Skye 
  2. Lori’s Tuck
  3. Jennifer’s Tiger
  4. Christine’s Hamilton 
  5. Carrie’s Morgan 
  6. Sara’s Bella 
So, Leslie’s next!  
Off to feed the dogs, cats, and myself.  Have a lovely evening!


6 Responses

  1. Xan,
    I love the light in Harry’s eyes and the shine on his head/ears, makes me want to pet him 🙂

    Christine & Hamilton

    P.S. Thanks for posting the list of who’s next, while it’s great fun watching the other portraits develop, I can’t wait to see you work your magic with Hammy’s pic!!!

  2. Yes! I got this sense while I was doing this of the joy of new things to smell, see, experience, the wide open vista, maybe joined with the familiar feel of sand under his feet, all making for this fully engaged happiness. Fun!!

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