Portrait Marathon: Morgan Progress 2

Colorful, eh? So, the background is filling in, and there’s some color going in on Morgan herself.  I sort of forgot her ears in the darks-phase, duh, so that’s going in here, too.  I’m surprised how hard it is to see here, but there’s a lot of blue in her muzzle and around her eyes. …

Portrait Marathon update: Morgan progress

*Pant!  Pant!*  These marathons!  Obviously, I’m slowing down, eh?  ðŸ˜› None the less, Morgan is up, and she’s LOVELY.  Her owner says she’s super alert, “always on patrol”.  Lookit those ears!  I guess so, huh? So, you can see I have a pretty active jaggy line in the background.  Hopefully, the background will accent her …