Portrait Marathon: Grover, DONE

Grover’s portrait is finished!  At least, so I say this afternoon.  I sometimes (okay, usually) tweak just a bit here, or an area there the next morning, but it’s basically done.  I’m calling it. Since we were here last, I broke out the afore-mentioned leeeetle brushes to do some detail work, laying in the shadows …

Portrait Marathon: Grover, stage 4

I’ve built up more color, and am starting to get some complexity in the shadows, but it is still a very loose painting at this point.  In the next phases, I’ll start using my leeeeetle brushes, and get the details tightened up.  Still a ways to go!

Portrait Marathon: Grover, stage 3

Grover is looking very brooding, yet colorful, in his bright blue universe! The fluffy texture of the stuffy is developing nicely (whew!), and Grover’s color areas are now laid in.  There are washes of warm pink in his face and body where his warm skin tones just show through his pale, fine greyhound fur.  His …

Portrait Marathon: Grover, stage 2

Grover, in a blue mood, begins his journey into portraithood.  He’s got a long way to go, but I like to show you the basic underpainting stage.  This is really where the painting is anchored.  It can be a bit off at this stage, but the closer it is here, the easier the rest is. …

Portrait Marathon: Grover begins

Grover!  Just the name makes me think goofy thoughts.  But, Tena refers to him as “Gentleman G”, and the reference photo is very subdued, so settle down, Xan! Here’s what I’ll be working from:His eyes are not so light or yellow, Tena tells me, so I’ll change that.  Also, I think I’ll throw in a …

Portrait Marathon: LOTTIE is done!

Lottie’s portrait is done! I finished it, almost, on Friday, then Saturday, then really actually finished it again some more yesterday morning before breakfast. When last we saw her, Lottie looked pretty jaundiced.My next steps were to start pouring on the color, and bringing up detail. I apologize ahead of time for not taking more …

Portrait Marathon: Return to LOTTIE

EDIT!!  Huge apologies to Nancy and Lottie for my brain-freeze!!  Somehow, I got Lottie’s name switched up in my head while I wrote this.  I’ve now corrected it!  ðŸ˜› Okay, that was quite a break, considering this supposed to be a non-stop marathon! I’m starting from this happy photo of Lottie smiling for the camera …

Portrait Marathon: MikiToo is More done, and Lottie steps up to the plate

MikeToo needed just a little more tweaking, so I thought I’d show his final result here.  I’m so pleased!  I hope you enjoy it for many years, Judy! Meanwhile, I’ve gotten going on Nancy’s Miss Lottie, a stunning fawn brindle greyhound.  Here’s my reference picture, all photoshopped and ready to guide me through the painting. …

Portrait Marathon: MikiToo is DONE

MikiToo is ready to view! Let me catch you up on how I got to the finish line with Miki. You saw the underpainting pretty well underway in the last post.  I did deepen the shadows in various places, refined the eyes a bit, and the nose.  I went about as dark as I could right …

Portrait Marathon: MikiToo = DRAMA!!

Oh my ggoooooodness!  This guy, despite being still a goofy youngster, all spider-thin legs and wispy waist, got caught in a moment of grown-up old-school gorgeous!  How could I resist this photo??  Well, I could not. I started this one with a deep Payne’s gray underpainting, knowing that I want to have those dramatic shadows …