Portrait Marathon: MikiToo is DONE

MikiToo is ready to view! Let me catch you up on how I got to the finish line with Miki. You saw the underpainting pretty well underway in the last post.  I did deepen the shadows in various places, refined the eyes a bit, and the nose.  I went about as dark as I could right …

Portrait Marathon: MikiToo = DRAMA!!

Oh my ggoooooodness!  This guy, despite being still a goofy youngster, all spider-thin legs and wispy waist, got caught in a moment of grown-up old-school gorgeous!  How could I resist this photo??  Well, I could not. I started this one with a deep Payne’s gray underpainting, knowing that I want to have those dramatic shadows …

Portrait Marathon update: Skye DONE!

Ah!  Done! Skye’s owner, Leslie, told me that Skye likes to really MOVE, treating the yard like a Nascar track.  Her (further) use of race car terminology tipped me that she’s a fan (I hope I got that right!)  The reference photo is a stark stare, eyeballs ready to pop out of her head, she’s …