Portrait Marathon: TIGER’s turn! (I stand corrected!)

Thanksgiving was great, with lots of family fun and food.  I’m re-charged and ready to PAINT! Jennifer’s Ruler TIGER is up next.  Jennifer sent me a wonderful photo to work from.  Look at that happy boy, with the jaunty tail! Cropping and getting a general idea for background got me this final reference image. Now, on …

portrait Marathon update: Tuck DONE

Tuck is done! Between the last installment and now, more detail.  Detail, detail, detail!  Smaller and smaller brushes, very few larger area washes. I guess I could talk and talk about every brush stroke, but T-day dinner is at our house tomorrow, and I need to get into the kitchen now!  Lori, Thanks so much …

Portrait Marathon update: Tuck progress 2

Well, that’s looking better! Still a lot of work to do, but you can see more what’s going on.  If you glance back at the earlier post, and see the hot pink bedding, with the weird blotches of darker color, I hope you, like I am, are soothed by this new more sumptuous deep red …

Portrait Marathon update: Tuck progress

Lori and I had to work out a better reference photo for Tuck, but we finally settled on this one.  This is cropped and enhanced to usability.  I had to recreate his muzzle just below the nose where the picture ended before his nose did.  Look at that sweet houndy face!  Isn’t it interesting how …

Portrait Marathon update: Skye DONE!

Ah!  Done! Skye’s owner, Leslie, told me that Skye likes to really MOVE, treating the yard like a Nascar track.  Her (further) use of race car terminology tipped me that she’s a fan (I hope I got that right!)  The reference photo is a stark stare, eyeballs ready to pop out of her head, she’s …

Skye update

Okay, so if this was a dance marathon, I’d have fallen asleep on my feet and been disqualified!  I did take most of the weekend off.  But, I’m back on my feet now, goosed up with the acceptable coffee dose, and ready to hit the dance floor again!  Stay tuned for the final product, coming …

Portrait Marathon update: Skye progress

I’m being quiet about Skye because … I’m hoping to make the final product have a little surprise in it for Leslie.  Unfortunately, I have made it a little harder for myself, so it’s a little slower going.  But stay tuned.  When it’s all done, I’ll make a post with plenty of progress pics and …

Harry’s development, which I forgot to post about!

What can I say?  I was hungry! Anyway, I wanted to talk a bit about how Harry’s portrait evolved.  I had a brave idea last night as I was going to sleep, to push the warm, even red, into Harry, while keeping the background all in blues.  Red is scary.  It’s a very powerful color. …

Portrait Marathon update: Harry DONE

Nancy’s Harry, staring with full attention out over the waters.  This was his first time at Dewey, as a fairly recent adoption.  His world was still revealing new things to him at every moment, at every turn, on every walk.  I’m always amazed at how well greyhounds hold up at Dewey (Greyhounds Reach the Beach …

Portrait Marathon: Who’s next?

Nancy’s Harry, a handsome black greyhound with a roman nose and toothy underbite, is up next.  We had some trouble to come up with a good reference photo, but she just sent me a wonderful one of him at Dewey Beach, DE, looking out over the waves.  I think I can make that work, so …